AUGUST 26, 2024

BlackHawk Golf Club
51111 Range Road 255
Spruce Grove, Alberta
T7Y 1A8

Gold Sponsors - $5,000
Logo recognition on all Golf Carts
One ½ Page Advertisement in the Golden Bears Annual Hockey Program
2 X Logo recognition at designated hole
One 30’ X 90” Rink Board Advertising at Clare Drake Arena for one year
Video Wall Advertising during games at Clare Drake Arena for one year
FOUR Golden Bears season ticket packages
EIGHT tournament playing spots
evergreen Sponsors - $2,500
Logo recognition at designated hole
One ¼ Page advertisement in the Golden Bears Annual Hockey Program
Video Wall Advertising during games at Clare Drake Arena for one year
TWO Golden Bears season ticket packages
FOUR tournament playing spots
For Sponsorship Enquiries, of if you would like to make a prize donation / gift to the GBHA Gold Tournament, please contact:
Stan Marple / GM Golden Bears Hockey
Email: stan.marple@ualberta.ca
Phone: 780 974 3945